The headline is emphatically not - 'Australia - racism is bad unless it's Israel's' or 'Australia supports world's #1 apartheid state' or 'Israel cracks whip, we jump'. And God forbid - 'Australia sucks Israel's cock', with the sub-head - 'And keeps fingers crossed they leave ten dollars on the dresser on the way out'. Dreadful! What kind of sick freak would write a headline like that?!
I have no idea what this UN backed anti-racism conference is meant to achieve precisely. But I don't really care. For mine, it's a thing worth having just to see who boycotts it. Anyone who signs up for this boycott is declaring that they are a cheap whore who've utterly dispensed with dignity and are happy to take it up the arse, or swallow, or 'anything you like, Israel honey.'

If this country had some pretence at dignity, we'd attend the conference and abstain from whatever vote it is. The whole thing is symbolic after all. But we ain't even going to go through the motions. In whore terms, we've dispensed with wearing regular clothes when we go out in public. Fuck it, we're so hell-bent we'll not only tramp up and down Main Street in lingerie and high-heels, we even have 'WHORE' tattooed on our forehead.
Who's joining the tattooed whore gang? Oh look, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, and Poland all happy to publicly declare that they're whores and they're proud. Apparently Denmark, the Czech Republic, and Sweden got a tattoo but hid it under their panty lines. Hee hee, a little shy it seems. And where's the UK? Where's France? Surely they're not shy are they? C'mon Gordon Brown-Note! C'mon Nicolas Sukkosily! Declare your whoredom! You're big boys now, just stand up and say it.
And where do we go from here? Our flagrancy at kowtowing to Israel is matched only by the flagrancy of their slaughter in Palestine. The most sickening massacre of civilians anyone has seen for decades and we in Oz have no words of condemnation. Instead we defend the indefensible. And the US and Canada is worse. No one is even pretending any more. A slaughter rate of 100 women and children for every Israeli soldier. Not forgetting that half the Israelis were shot by their own troops. Hmm... let's make that 200 to 1. Amongst all this blood we merely channel Debbie from Dallas, 'Ooh Mr Greenfeld, what a big cock you have!'
It seems we're in the run up to an exponential curve here. It's a single curve charting two things. One is of Israel's flagrant racist slaughter-fest and the other is our ever more transparent obsequiousness to that shitty little country. As this dual curve climbs into a near vertical orgasm of blood and degradation, something has to give. There's no future in it.

Certainly no future that makes sense. Unless of course the purpose of the exercise is Israel's own destruction, with the non-pedophocracy majority of the world giving a sotto voce cheer. It will necessarily be muted because, as ever, the reality will be one thing and its depiction in the media and the history books will be another. In this imagined reality, Israel will have been a tiny spark of hope for a hard done by people who valiantly went down fighting against a world of racists that hated them for no reason. Don't think they can't convince us of their innocence and our villainy. Honestly, are there any German nationals that don't view themselves as the greatest mass murderers in the history of the world? Bolsheviks or no? There probably are, but me, I never met one.
Regardless of what we think now, I reckon our lot in the future is to view ourselves with the same self-loathing that the Germans currently have. Honestly, right now, right this minute, we are madly declaring that the most racist people in the world are the greatest victims of racism. But that ain't nothing! The two global religions of this world, Christianity and Islam, somehow imagine that they're not Jewish sects. Ha ha ha, madness! Truthfully, there is no end to our ability to believe what we are told.
But we're getting ahead of ourselves. First comes Israel's inevitable destruction. The country created out of whole cloth by a handful of banking families, (who've curiously chosen not to live there themselves) will be gone. And we'll all sigh in relief. 'Surely this is the beginning of the end to all that shit!' we'll say. As much as I hate to be a party-pooper, I have it pegged as nothing more that the end of the beginning.
Anything tuh git the taste of Fosters outa yer mouth Huh?*wink*
Mate, only foreigners drink Fosters...
it is pathetic isn't it?
I mean really.
Israel is a really racist country, and besides that they are a religiously intolerant country.
But then so it the US and Canada and all the other followers.
That whole incident had the air of more made for prime time drama.
Ok, we are all gonna wait for the 'nut' from Iran to say what we all know he will say and then we will all get up and walk out and declare this conference a waste of time.
All those countries are racist, the US, Canada, their wars are racist wars.
As if they would condemn themselves, let alone Israel?
interesting my security word
What do proper Aussies drink? Crocodile piss? :)
Nobby, haven't read this yet but ABSOLUTELY MARVELOUS!! (I love the flag- wonder what Our PM will think?)
And yes Fosters is on the bottom of the list - most drink VB. Although I don't mind that Tassie Tiger stuff.
Excellent post. Only now that there is a real danger that the inevitable disillusionment of Zion, and its fall, will carry everyone else long with it.
The moral deterioration of the West is complete. No one will stand up to that criminal state and ideology.
There is no word in the books for the situation we have today, which makes a mockery of "treason" as well as Darwinian self-survival.
Dear Mister Nobody
Thank you for your positive piece re that disgusting UN Conference. I also like what you've done with our flag; very Christmassy. However I'd like to draw your viewers attention to what my good friend Joe said of me recently. He said I was 'Santa Clause on steroids'. Wasn’t that nice of him to say so; ’if the cap fits’ I always say. Therese liked the idea also she laughed and laughed.
My new best friend New Zealand Prime Minister John Key (he’s Jewish you know) didn’t want me to go to that horrible conference (not like that terrible fellow Clark the former New Zealand prime minister), so I didn’t. Anyway what’s more important me giving more of my money to the people or my attending a silly UN conference that had clowns and people walking out and things like that? (You don’t have to answer that question, I already know the answer because my ratings just keep going up and up- the people love me).
Your Prime Minister of Australia
Kevin Michael Rudd
Only the cock?? Heck Canada manages to get their balls in there too!!
Well it seems that we all kept our finest at home for the conferance,(insert eye roll here).
It is one of the most absurd things that I have ever seen. The logic simply escapes me. The hypocisy goes beyond the pale but on the brighter site, the Jews have finaly shown their hand for all of the world to see.
Every nation in the west is doing the
Bob now. Nice post Nobody.
As a taxpayer living in the Biggest of All Cocksuckers, all I can say is... right.
EVERY non-Jew in America is ALREADY treated like they were spinning the faucets at nazi gas chambers and you know why?
Informal poles over the last few years indicates that among working class Americans, over 70% think "the Holocaust" is either partly or totally bullshit.
So they've booted up the Patriot AXE to where they can confiscate assets of anyone foot-dragging in the War of Terror... my guess if Missouri's "how to spot a terrorist" is a harbinger, Holocaust Deniers, so-called, are about to become the new Osama bin Ladens. Watch for it.
Also, can we dock the paychecks of all the wienies who hiked? They ARE NOT doing their jobs. Why pay them to take a powder? Especially those of us with basket-case economies. You know. The USA, Poland. Stop paying the shirkers is all I'm saying here.
I came for the XXXX, but stayed for the Coopers Stout.
It's half farce, in my opinion; half of it is conditioning. We must be conditioned, time and time again, to have positive or negative reactions to certain people, especially if they come from the middle east. Because when the shit hits the fan and you are doubting whether that dirty bomb really was the result of brownish terrorists, then you have years of conditioned response to fall back on. It's the kind of high-level racist propaganda that a Stalin or Goebbels would have been shamed with.
Unfortunately, my country of Canuckistan also takes an Israeli phallus up the anal cavity, with balls as someone mentioned.
The circus acts of conditioning are ramping up; another large event nears. Prepare yourselves to be in a position of strength, all of you who wish to survive unscathed.
Thanks folks. I did wonder with this post if people would be repelled by the, ahem, 'frankness' of it. On this topic I am down with Billy Connolly who has cogently argued that there are certain things that cannot be discussed adequately without resorting to expletives. And this is one of them and since there were no kids here, I let rip.
Did everyone see the Europeans walk out en masse during Ahmadinejad's speech? Guess what? They'd all agreed to do so before the conference had even started despite being completely ignorant of what the speech contained. And did we see those clowns who were yelling and screaming? Sure enough, the Jerusalem Post declares them all Jewish. For mine, there's something exactly right about Jewish people lecturing others about racism whilst dressed as clowns.
And a special thanks to the PM for dropping in! I knew you wouldn't be deterred by the photo of you as Bukkake Pornstar. Given that the only people who count are your masters, and given that they would have looked upon that phote as a charming reminder of what they like in a man, it would only have served to boost your stocks. Especially what with you running at a disadvantage compared to insiders like NZ's Key. But surely they've declared you an 'Honorary Jew', no? You know, like how the South Africans would declare that blacks that they were fond of were 'Honorary Whites'. Anyway mate, feel free to download that phote and email it to your banking masters with some inscription along the lines of 'Dear Master, I thought you might like this as a little reminder of the good times we've had and of how I will always be yours to do with as you will, love Kevin.' And if you could contrive some way to replace the dot in the 'i' with a little love heart, it would go down a treat. As you do!
As for your further 'stimulus', bravo! There's nothing I'd like better than to be put in hock up to my eyeballs and burdened with crippling taxes for the rest of my life. And your approval figures show that the rest of the Australian population is of a like mind. With the right pained expression on your face, we'll follow you anywhere!
BTW. If anyone wants to use the Australian flag, go right ahead. If you click on the image you'll find it at nearly triple the resolution.
Hey PM - Here's a wicked thought. Imagine if you were to contrive some way to anonymously email the new flag to the entire parliamentary mailing list!
You'd be better at the public servant officialese than I would but if it was headed something like 'Official Update to the Australian Flag' with the body saying something like "In accordance with this government's determination to more proudly declare who we are and how we view our independence, some minor changes have been made to the Australian flag. Please find attached the new updated flag and amend your records accordingly."
Wouldn't that be a jolly jape! Don't get caught of course. Best regards, nobody.
azineIt's simply luvly to think that OZ exports only it's BEST.
azinelt's, azinelt's, azinelt's - um, no, I don't know what that is. 'Has he knelt'? 'As in Elts'? 'a zine LT'? It's not an anagram is it? 'let's nazi' 'nits laze' 'ezi-slant' 'zit lanes'. I give in!
As for beers I personally drink Carlton Draught. Or VB if there's no Carlton. I also like anything from Tasmania like Cascade or Boag's. And I do love Coopers (red or green) but the love isn't reciprocated, which is to say it gives me hell, which is to say the backdoor orchestra keeps me up all night. Somewhat tiresome.
"The circus acts of conditioning are ramping up; another large event nears. Prepare yourselves to be in a position of strength, all of you who wish to survive unscathed."Yes. Well said. Buckle up.
Some of my mates brew their own (have won awards for their brew)- they like Tooheys Draught. Costs 35 cents a long neck!
Once every so often we sit around the keg in the tin shed and catch up (that's short for talk stupid). Nice.
the frankness of it was hilarious.
I had hubby look at it, saying look, nobody talks just like you do.
The graphic language? Must be a man thing?
So he is being 'frank' is he??
Well he'll be glad to know that
You appear not to have remembered the Polio Vaccine.
The mass walkout did appear a childish act to me, it seems like a long way to go to act like a prick, though I expect our politicians are used to doing this sort of thing.
I was reading an interview at Der Spiegal yesterday with Ahmadinejad where the interviewer was extremely rude in a way that would be impossible to imagine if it was another world leader being interviewed although it could be interesting if all world leaders were treated with the same amount of disrespect.
Ahmadinejad always comes out pretty good in interviews and speeches which is possibly the reason they are either mistranslated or ignored. As he explained, Iran has done nothing wrong with it's nuclear development which is properly inspected and if other countries can have nuclear power why can't Iran, it is a hypocritical situation.
Other nearby shitty little countries have developed nuclear weapons in secret but this doesn't matter for some reason.
Seeing our politicians dancing to the tune of israel is a vomit inducing sight but sometimes a little beam of light comes through, as in the speech that Gerald Kaufman gave in parliament in January where he compares the actions of israel in Palestine to the actions of nazi's. He is certainly right to call for an arms embargo on israel as they cannot be trusted with these things.
azine was the word verification, I didn't catch that the cursor had jumped into the comment box, It had me confussed as well.
Thanks folks, my attendance has become spotty what with the Devotion to Aergia officially starting yesterday. So far it's all going marvellously. The Goddess smiles, etc.
As for the polio vaccine, I didn't forget it. I merely forgot why it was germane. Or perhaps I never knew? Why is it germane?
"Thanks folks, my attendance has become spotty what with the Devotion to Aergia officially starting yesterday. So far it's all going marvellously. The Goddess smiles, etc."
excuses, excuses..
myself the geneological lineage is visiting, so we are visiting, drinking tea, eating thai, and chatting, it is all fun though.
Very poor Pen, to make light of a fellow's religious observances like that...
Yes I'm a Oddbody and I have a little secret for you. "Life realy sucks and death ain't no great hell either".
Not sure if that's a picture of an Iced VoVo, The Milky Bar Kid, or someone who got done over by Onan the Barbarian.
Ha ha ha, very good. DNA-laced samples of earlier revelry aside, Kevin Rudd IS the milky-bar kid isn't he? Oh dear, I just pictured him in a comedy cowboy hat and chaps and it was all too much. Off for a cup of tea and a lie-down...
America is a puppet of the Israeli APAC. We do what they want. They pull the trigger on our gun, therefore, they are in control.
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