As background, this all came about as I was browsing my statcounter. This statcounter is responsible for the little hit counter at the bottom of the right hand side here. Actually, it does more than merely give me a total count. It gives me the country, state and town of each hit. Don't worry, I have no idea who anyone is. Other spooky people might, but not me.
Anyway... one place-name just kept popping up over and over and over again. Was it a big city like LA or New York? Hardly. It has a population of just 56,447. And yet people from this tiny town have recently been hitting this site every hour or two. I get more hits from this place than any of the world's great metropolises. That's why I made a competition called The Busiest Internet Town In The World.
And the winner is... drumroll... Reston, Virginia!

Actually it's not really a regular town. Perhaps we should call it a 'company' town. Mind you 'town' isn't quite the right word either. Really it's more of a suburb of Washington DC. It's a bit like Langley in that fashion. Which, funnily enough, is just next door.
Anyway, the fine people of Reston Virginia, I salute you! Long may you have nothing better to do than sit around on the US taxpayer's dollar spending time on sites like this. Hats off to your sinecure! After all the amateur zeroes who come here on the cheap, it's nice to know that there's people out there who are actually paid to do it. And I join you at sneering at those who think that you're villains. You're not villains! You're making the world a better place. Not for all of course. Just for a small privileged elite. As the old saying goes, better to be a fucker than a fuckee, eh? In honour of your victory here today, and in acknowledgement of your service to a tiny percentage of the US population, I declare you to be, without doubt, the former of these two aforementioned! Three cheers!
hey noby:)
i pop in a lot too... w/the time dif, i never can pinpoint when you'll update :)
"it's" back. sigh.. knew that was too good ta last.
Yeah mate, but you're in Dallas, which is, in case you missed it ; ), a big city and subsequently I have several regulars there. But you and all of them put together haven't been hitting as often as the Reston guys have. They hit that article every hour or so. Honestly, what's the point?
To give you an idea, this is the data I get. Of the two web addresses at the bottom of each entry, the first is where they came from, and the second is where they arrived at. And check out the times. This was a particularly mad little frenzy. Six different hits from six different computers (perhaps) all in the space of thirty minutes. It's nuts. Hey dickheads! Get a life!
--- (America Online Inc) [Label IP Address]
Virginia, Reston, United States, 0 returning visit
5th July 2008
--- (America Online Inc) [Label IP Address]
Virginia, Reston, United States, 0 returning visit
5th July 2008
--- (America Online Inc) [Label IP Address]
Virginia, Reston, United States, 0 returning visit
5th July 2008
--- (America Online Inc) [Label IP Address]
Virginia, Reston, United States, 0 returning visit
5th July 2008
No referring link
--- (America Online Inc) [Label IP Address]
Virginia, Reston, United States, 0 returning visit
5th July 2008
--- (America Online Inc) [Label IP Address]
Virginia, Reston, United States, 0 returning visit
5th July 2008
Ha the weirdnesses continue!
Is it just me or is wrh down? Since I got a 'server not responding' message for it, I went over to statcounter to see if anything interesting had happened since I last looked, and lo-and-behold, the last referall I got from wrh was about an hour earlier. And guess who it was? (America Online Inc) [Label IP Address]
Virginia, Reston, United States, 0 returning visit
Date Time WebPage
5th July 2008 11:17:31
Following that I get nada. And the hits had been consistently running at about ten an hour immediately prior to this. This was down from five hits every minute when wrh first posted the diy subversion thing. But ten an hour was still pretty busy for this little blog.
Spooky huh?
Just got this from wrh -
THIS IS AN AUTOMATED REPLY. If you are writing in to tell us our server is down, we have been hit with hacker attacks all week long and today the system went down. We are trying to repair it right now and will be back online as soon as possible. Meanwhile, your email will be saved and replied to as usual. Thank you for your patience.
Ve know vere you liff.
Und ve are vatching.....
(Gestapo Tony)
just checked WRH and they are still down.
Regarding the spook town of Reston, Virgina.
I got them, and they came from here.
The first hit came at 10:37, straight from here
United States ( [Label IP Address]
then after that I had 3 more, all from different IP, but not associated with your blog anymore.
funny, they all use aol (america on line) I had always heard that was more or less spies our us. It looks like it really is!
It's likely they checked everyone out who posted here.
Hi nobody,
It's early morning here in Kanuckistan, and as usual I attempted to connect with wrh.
Of course to no avail.. so I popped in here and voila - an answer to my curiousity.
I don't doubt at all that the ptb would love to see rivero's site shut down permanently!
Very odd goings on here too, eh?
The eyes and ears of big brother are following us all it seems!
thanks for posting about this though, enjoy your evening!
thanks for the update on mike/wrh... i was timing out, aftr 10P local nothing... not even goin in thru url etc... my usual route in.
hacker attacks.. hmmm.
i'd read on readerletters page, he was tryin to rework the site.. i thought it was that or hackers.
wish him bak soon. spooky when whr goes offair, and thank the godz, it's not often.
until then, blacklistednews'll keep ya on edge.
Thanks folks,
And Tony, you said you don't like haiku? Liar!
Penny, they came to you from me? Wow. Well, when they put the cage on your face with the rat in it (or whatever your greatest fear is) I give you permission to say it was me, ha ha.
Hey Reston boys! Go read 1984 and ask yourself, 'In this book, I am who? Am I the guy who straps a rat to someone's face?'
It seems that the word 'subversion' in the last piece got your, and a lot of other people's, attention. But truth be known, the only subverters are you. You bring misery, suffering and death. Forget the Hollywood bullshit imaginings of yourself dancing through your heads. You are not the heroes. You're the villains. Wake up to yourselves.
I drop by often as well as I have no life, what with being retired, sailing an all, Whoa is me. However on a lighter note I'm glad to see that you've hit the big time. Perchance it's cause your one of those Aussie insurgent types (word gets around Yuh know). Perhaps with my commenting here they might even come to visit me, and I will welcome them with open arms cause like me is so lonely.(sniff)
Ha ha,
You have no life? You should see me! If I wasn't here I'd be sitting at home with the constant idiot cacophony of foxsports. Thank god for you folks.
reston va sounds really really boring. haaha
You think those spooks would have better things to do, like looking for real and serious trouble-makers and bad guys. But nooooooooo.
There aren't any AM. It's just us.
There aren't any AM. It's just us.
You know Nobody, methinks you're right. And the joke's on them. har de friggin har.
Reston, Virginia pops up because people use proxies like AOL to hide their locations.
Apparantly, Reston and somewhere in Kansas pops up for AOL users. I am sure that pretty much NO ONE there has time to spend on the computer unless it's for the fun of finding someone to have an extramarital affair with...
The Watcher
Thanks Watcher,
One does like to get snippets like this. So if I'm getting this right, a lot of the proxies go through the suburb next to Langley? These being those famous 'anonymous' proxies yeah? Gee whiz, there's a whole discussion right there, wouldn't you say?
And I do find it interesting that you assert that no one (in caps no less) has time to sit around on the computer. These being spooks I take it. I'm not going to dispute you. I'm just curious as to how it is you arrived at this opinion. If you know what I mean.
Virginia is full of women married to rich guys who are never home for them. They throw themselves at those men who have time and "energy"... LMAO... Just pure observation.
I hate proxies when trying to pinpoint people. The same exact address will pop up on Google for more than one user. But, the same address will pop up for the same user and the same website that user "uses". Pardon the alliteration. Do some research on AOL proxies!
There are also those horrible "Multiprotocol Service Provider To Other Isp's And End Users" programs that pretty much show you somewhere else on the continent and in the world. It's good to get an IP locator to find out where someone is coming from.
Finally, I also have many questions about those remote programs that can access your home computer from anywhere in the world. I have so much to learn... and it's never ever going to stop.
BTW, I came across this blog because I was doing an isp search on Google.
Thanks JC
To be honest I'm fairly dim on this subject. There was a time I used to hang with the UNIX admin guys and was pretty handy at a bunch of things. But not anymore.
Broadly I distrust anonymous proxy servers, AOL, and far too many things to list here. Frankly I even thing google and it's blogspot is bullshit. Les Visible over at smokingmirrors.blogspot has been detailing how he seems to have lost control over his own blog. And then there's the travails of uruknet over at google proper. It's endless.
Me, I merely stick with the cut-out provided by an internet cafe. I don't know if that of any true utility but it has it's purposes. Before I blocked myself from statcounter, I variously appeared to be in Sydney and Melbourne. I ain't in either but it's fine by me if it seems that way.
You're welcome, "nobody" aka niemand (sounds better in German... LOL)!
I knew absolutely NOTHING about computers in general until my last year in university more than 10 years ago, and zilch about internet isp's until last year. I love learning almost anything new, so it's not a big deal for me.
I gathered some basic sites for you - for more information you might find interesting.
The last one explains proxies very well, and according to the information there, if someone really wants to hide, THEY CAN.
From my experience with blogs and public postings, the only way to find out who comes to your site is to identify your readers from the beginning. Simple enough if you know their identities, but extremely difficult if you don't.
Have fun with the information! I sure did!
Thanks bra,
I'll check it out.
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