We have noted a somewhat hysterical campaign in the Australian media relating to China's lawful detainment of Rio Tinto executive Stern Hu. This discussion involved numerous Australian government officials, members of the opposition, academics, as well as experts from various 'foundations', all of whom theorised as to why Mr Hu had been arrested and what it all meant. In amongst this multitude of views, we noted that not a single individual raised, or even considered, the possibility that Stern Hu might actually be guilty of the crimes with which he is charged. It was as if the media brief had been: 'We must consider every angle of this story except for that one'.
We understand that the Australian people, like the Chinese people, are particularly partial to gambling. In this context, amongst all the possibilities that one might lay odds on here, the possibility that Mr Hu just might be guilty seems neither to have short odds, nor long odds, but rather not to be on the bookmakers board at all. Does this not strike anyone as curious?
We note that in the endless media coverage that crime warrants in the Australian media, discussions invariably pivot on whether the accused did or didn't do it. Keen as we are on Australian history, Schapelle Corby comes to mind. However, we were unable to find a single previous case wherein every commentator's starting position was an assumption that the charges must be false. We found many cases where guilt was assumed, such as that of Lindy Chamberlain, but none where the charged individual's innocence was so completely taken for granted that the entire discussion completely and utterly pivoted on the ulterior motives of the arresting authority.
We will admit that were Australia utterly free of corruption, the failure to consider this likelihood would not be unreasonable. And yet on the exact same newspaper front pages that refuse to consider the possibility of Mr Hu as being guilty as charged, is the story of Australian state politician Mr Gordon Nuttall, tried for high level corruption, being found 'guilty as charged'. Clearly Australian businessmen bribe Australian politicians in the hopes of receiving favourable treatment. Your own courts and royal commissions have declared this an incontrovertible fact. And yet despite this, and despite the historical precedent of Australian involvment in the Iraqi oil-for-food scandal, the Australian media utterly refuses to concede that Australian businessmen might replicate this behaviour in China.
That aside, we are not about to take any holier-than-thou stance on this issue. We freely admit that China, like Australia, suffers from the ills of corruption. And like Australia, the Chinese government arrests, tries, and punishes those involved in these pernicious acts. Indeed we punish corruption very harshly - certainly more harshly than the effective two year sentence (after time off for good behaviour) that was handed down to Mr Nuttall. Of course, Mr Nuttall's sentence is none of our business, as are all matters pertaining to the Australian legal system.
That being said, recent statements by the Queensland Premier, Anna Bligh, to the effect that the verdict in the Nuttall case was proof that the system works and also that the government and judiciary were serious in their efforts to root out corruption, could have been lifted word for word from Chinese government media releases. In many ways China and Australia have a lot in common.
Echoing this thought, as a people as proud of our country as Australians are of theirs, we also understand that the people of Australia would hold a dim view of us, or indeed any foreign government and media, wagging a collective finger at Australian legal proceedings. Keen to seek commonalities, we would consider viewing such behaviour poorly as perfectly reasonable.
With this in mind, may I say as China's Premier that China looks forward to a relationship with Australia that is free of rancour and distrust, and instead embodies harmony, well-being, and prosperity for both our countries.
was this guy then spying for australia?
and that is why his possible guilt is a non-discussion.
ok, that is the impression I am getting, but some days I am a little dense.
From Belgium
Tee he, that was good! Up until this morning the names of Wen Jiabao and Stern Hu were unknown to me so I don’t know any details of what was allegedly involved. The piece was certainly not offensive but was an exercise in telling the Ozzies that they have been told and not to treat their northern brothers like a bunch of c*nts. It was eloquent enough to have even been written by you Mr N.
Hey Nobody, I've read all your articles and enjoyed them quite a lot. I have a question about china, with which you seem to be familiar. Why is it that you consider them as being apart from the world banking system? They have a central bank, public debt, income tax, etc. From my understanding, there is only like five countries that don't have a central bank, like North korea and syria etc. Is there some reason you think china is somehow hostile to the whole Banking hoax?
Hey Pen,
Um, keeping in mind he may be innocent (unlike the media, I embrace both possibilities), he might variously have been spying for Australia, Rio Tinto, or both. And God forbid the media should contemplate either of these entities being capable of such wicked behaviour.
Given the size of the players involved I see two possible outcomes. A deal is done, concessions are wrested and Mr. Hu is freed. Or alternatively, Rio Tinto blames it all on Hu and he disappears into the Chinese Gulag. Three possible outcomes! Hu is found guilty as charged, the Chinese government crows about it and then quietly releases him with all agreed he keep a VERY low profile. Elvis-style low, if you know what I mean.
It's all 'face' now you see. The ticket with face situations is to not get into them in the first place, because once you're in one, you're fucked.
To be honest, I'm not particularly up on the details of this case. What piqued my interest was the idiotic one-note portrayal of it in the media combined with my long standing desire to be a press secretary for those-we-must-hate, ha ha. (Truth be known I would love to work for the Palestinians. At the moment they're crap at media. Imagine a debate between me and that shit Mark Regev? I'd eat him alive and laugh my head off the whole time. Well, that's my daydream anyway...)
Speaking of those-we-must hate, hey Gabriel! Ha ha ha, just joking. We don't hate you. (Or do we... you're not a Hegelian are you?)
But forget all that - you have hit the $64,000 question (which adjusted for inflation is 2.3 trillion). Finding out who owns whose currency is THE mystery. No one knows, certainly not me. All I can do is guess and I do this based on the media as a machine designed to tell me who to hate.
Best I can make out the media serves the Reserve owning families first and everyone else second. All these lesser powers can cop shit in the media but the families, never. Indeed they don't even exist as such. Thus I view the media's list of those-we-must-hate as a list of those who refuse to be subject to the families. This is long-story-short you understand.
Sure enough, the list of those we must hate has China somewhere near the top. They never get any good press. Ever. Even in the Olympics, which went off immaculately, you'd never have known it in the media. All we got was endless nit-picking.
Now, I'm happy to concede that the Chinese have a Reserve bank and practice monetarism. But the question is - is it owned by the Rothschilds? I'm pretty sure the answer will be no.
But it's a goddamn mystery and no mistake. And me, I'm just some ex-advertising bumhead who lives in a bullshit tourist town. If anyone can get definitive on who owns what, I'd be all ears.
Hey FB. Yeah, it was spooky wasn't it? But you can tell it wasn't me since there wasn't a single 'ha' in there anywhere. Ha!
Mr Gordon Nuttall, tried for high level corruption, being found 'guilty as charged ' - I bet you NB he was the fall guy for Beatty so investigations would not go any further.
Talking about Beatty who removed Joh Bjelke-Peterson who actually put Queensland first not like the traitors that are there now ,joh did want to promote the water powered car - was that why he was removed - you counldn't have people having free energy - this Australian talks about the water powered car in the following video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=024J8-Z_T4c
Economic Revolution 2009: The Suppression Of Free Energy Inventions
It isn't the concept of a central bank that is necessarily evil, it is who is running the show behind that central bank.
I am thinking of that woman that wrote the web of deceit.
A central bank actually under the thumb, for lack of a better phrase, of the government is OK, but one that is running the government, not ok.
Don't forget nobody, we must also hate Russia.
because 'russia attacked georgia' or so msm tells us, but it really was the other way around, Georgia, instigated the attack and Russia responded.
What will come of all that????
This is certainly off the subject, but does anybody know what happened to whatreallyhappened.com?
It disappeared yesterday, to be replaced by something called siteground.com.
This is very strange, and seems a bit ominous to me.
Mmmh, I guess I see what you mean. They superficially adopt the system but there might be some high level resistance that we wouldn't know about... I think I agree that the media is usually a good barometer in the way you describe. They plausibly wouldn't be getting the level of shit they get now if they played ball 100%.
I'm not a Hegelian. Closer to Kantian, I guess, but ultimately my epistemology and ontology are too alien to fit any known category.
His detention on allegations of industrial bribery has brought into question what constitutes espionage, fair detention and state secrets.
Professor Jiang Wenran from the University of Alberta in Canada is an expert on China's minerals and energy extraction policies.
He says foreign businesspeople could easily stray into the world of what might be considered industrial espionage in China.
"The line is quite blurred sometimes between what can be classified as legitimate open commercial information and what are state secrets," he said.
Hey VC, as to the question of Nuttall being the tip of the iceberg, sure! It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Hell, they just put fluoride in the water. Wen Jiabao on the other hand, what with diplomatic constraints, was unable to mention it. As for Joh, I used to hate him but I now wonder. Back then I took my cue from the media who, sure enough, were relentlessly anti-Joh. Apropos Gabriel's discussion, I now tend to head 180 degrees in the opposite direction to whatever the media tells me. Okay, how now to view Joh?
Hey Pen, central banking? Um, maybe. I'm inclined to think that there's no need for it at all. The US didn't have one until 1913. And sure enough, no income tax either. The only reason you pay income tax is to pay for the interest the government pays to the bankers.
Otherwise, I'm down with the Muslims as viewing usury as a sin, or at least as a very wicked thing. There's no need for it you know. Monetarism as a means of controlling the velocity of an economy is a clunky shitfight. But as a means of extracting wealth from the population it's a model of efficiency.
Otherwise, put simply usury and credit is nothing more than a means by which those who, by definition, have more money than they know what to do with, extract wealth from those who, by definition, need the money. Usury concentrates wealth, a system without it spreads the wealth. It's as simple as that.
Hey anon, WRH is back (with a note saying they were shifting servers or somesuch).
Gabriel, you didn't have to tell me that, I was just being facetious. Besides if you're popping in here you're obviously a very discerning individual. smiley winky thing.
Hey Destiny, nice of you to pop in. Folks, Destiny has a blog that ponders things metaphysical, and people given to such things might want to check it out. I'll put a link on the front page. Otherwise yes, it seems I might appear to be some variety of apologist for the Chinese government. I'm not really - I'm just anti-hypocrisy. Besides, between the round-eye good-guys, and the 'yellow hordes', only one of them travels half way round the world to blow shit up.
Oh, and speaking of a blurred line concerning the possession of information that might get one arrested... would I be the only person here who, should he Feds feel so inclined, could be charged with possessing terrorist material? I doubt it. There was that fellow in the US who had a pizza delivery map. Things are arbitrary in China, things are arbitrary here.
In any given argument my line will usually consist of 'It's not that simple'. Which is to say: Destiny your tune is spot on - all I'm doing is singing counterpoint.
BTW I've been meaning to ask you if you've ever checked out Les Visible's blogs? He's very good and I think you'll groove on him. Even though we're chalk and cheese, he's my inspiration. The link to smoking mirrors is on the front page, and once you're there you can go sideways to visible origami and the petrie dish. See how you go.
As for Joh, I used to hate him but I now wonder. Back then I took my cue from the media who, sure enough, were relentlessly anti-Joh. Apropos Gabriel's discussion, I now tend to head 180 degrees in the opposite direction to whatever the media tells me. Okay, how now to view Joh?
My thoughts exactly NB
Isn't it amazing when you 'wake-up' you question (practically everything ) the way you looked at situations or events before .
Maybe Joh couldn't move because the attack came right from the top of the British Empire.
From Belgium,
Nr N, I really don’t want to be a smart ass but the USA had two central banks prior to the FED. First Bank of America 1791 – 1811 and Second Bank of America 1816 – 1836. I am sure you knew this already and it was just a typo, (smiley winky thing).
I did know that, albeit not the precise dates. Thanks for those, very interesting - 20 years, 20 years, and now 96. Otherwise I was just making the point that a country doesn't need a Reserve Bank. One period alone carries the point, and three muddies it, so I just kept it simple.
Hmm... if the point had been 'that these fucking bankers never quit' it would have been a different story sure enough.
Hey Pen, have you seen The Money Masters on google video? If not, you definitely should.
hey nobody, I own a copy of it,moneymasters, kindly gifted to me by fellow blogger doug plumb, but have never found the time to watch it in it's entirety.
Did you know NB that Chinalco is the biggest share-holder in Rio Tinto .
'Are people noticing that they are all converging on us at once?
Our bizarre weather patterns are coinciding with economic collapse, school shootings, terrorism propaganda, wildfires, supposed flu pandemics and many other disabling events. We need to begin analyzing what this very large grouping of adverse events means.
Weather As a Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather by 2025
Hey VC, you don't hang out at Smoking Mirrors I take it? Les has been in amongst precisely this question lately, and his last post in particular. You do know we're approaching the end of an age yeah? Or several ages it seems. 2012 seems to be a biggie. But a lot of people declare it's going to kick off, um, next month!
And me, I think they're right.
From Belgium
Personally I think 2012 is somewhere over the rainbow, try adding pension age to 1944 and see what number you come up with.
Ex Congress woman Catherine Austin Fitts still carries a lot of political clout and you really should have a peek at her take on swine flu.
As for the world economy, the GEAB people who I have a lot of time for, say nobody had the will to fix it. Last month they said that the Banks no longer had navigational instruments to plot their course. This month the helmsman is slumped over the wheel and the ship is heading for the rocks. These people only report the facts mam they never indulge in conspiracy spin.
As you say NB they have all the power and all bases covered and it goes right to the top. I'm 53 and when I look back - it seems I have and we have been controlled our whole life.
Definitely time for a change - might take a bit of time and a fair bit of trouble though.
The Queen and the Countdown to the Abolition of Westminster
hey anon from belgium, the GEAB newsletter is very good isn't it?
I have posted a couple of them up at my blog, I always find them to be a very informative read.
China is full of spooks, spies and travelling westerners who are in general shifty and up to no good . . . for we westerners, the representation over there is quite brutal indeed. Wouldn't surprise me if this dude was a gov't spy, corporate spy, or illegal smuggler with a corporate cover. Anything and everything is possible in China.
Just like the States, in fact. Except, things aren't shown in the same way . . . and for some reason, people in the west have a hard time seeing the media propaganda for what it is - a corporate tool of opinion control and form of conditioning.
Here in Canada presently, especially southern Ontario, it's all anti-union stories lately. If it's not the month long garbage strike in Toronto people are whining about, it's the VIA Rail strike, and of course the unions are painted as greedy, self-righteous bastards holding people hostage to ridiculous demands. And frankly, it appears to me that union leadership for these high profile cases has been utterly co-opted, in that the demands are pretty ridiculous, while member support is somewhat weak. A well organised effort to smear the unions and raise public ire against any and all others in the future . . .
The techniques to shape public opinion are very effective, and the best we can do is to talk about these social issues openly within our own circles.
Here's to conversation with friends and strangers, over corporate propaganda.
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